Call Out to all Red Cedar Readers 2020/21 Author Illustrator Interviews

It is the Red Cedar Book Awards author/illustrator season!! This is a great and free opportunity for your group to meet this year’s Red Cedar Book Awards authors/illustrators and ask them all about their books! When you have completed your interview, send us a copy and it will be posted on our website and red cedar Book Awards Facebook page!

Email to book your interview.

Call-out for Book Reviews!

We need your reviews!  Writing reviews is a great way to practice writing skills and give you the opportunity to tell the world what you thought about that great book that you just read.

We are posting your reviews beside the Fiction and Non-Fiction Nominee  titles. Take a look at  Reviewed By and send us your reviews  to so they can be posted on our website!


Call-Out for Volunteers!

To help the Society promote  the Red Cedar Book Awards, we are putting a call-out  for you to join the team! The Society is looking for volunteers to help out with creating content for our social media sites  – stories, book reviews, interviews, program resources and activities – and to help with the admin of  our social media sites.   Look forward to hearing from you!!! Please email   Thank you.

Website Updates

Hi Everyone! We have been slowly and steadily working on the website to bring  you more up-to date content and an enhanced navigation experience.  Over the next few weeks, we will be adding more content and doing a bit of tinkering.   If you have book reviews to submit, please send them along so we can add them to the website and our social media.

Thank you for being part of,  and supporting, the Red Cedar Book Awards!

Marilyn MacPherson, President
Young Readers’ Choice Awards Society of British Columbia


And the Winners are!

A big congratulations to:

Too Young to Escape: a Vietnamese girl waits to be reunited with her family by Van Ho and Marsha Forchuk Skrypuch
Sweep: The Story of a Girl and Her Monster by Jonathan Auxier!

Thank you to everyone who voted and participated in this year’s Red Cedar Award!

Voting – Update again!

Hey Red Cedar Family!

We know that this year has been strange, and that this week, many kids are going back to school buildings for the first time in a long, long while. And because of this, we will be keeping voting open until Sunday, June 7th, in order to make sure that classrooms, and leaders have enough time to get votes in.

Thanks for your patience while we continue to update the way things are working.

We look forward to seeing all those votes! And don’t forget that you can still leave a review on those books that you have read!


Voting in the time of COVID-19

Hello Red Cedar,

Like all of you, we’ve had to switch some stuff up this year because of things far beyond our control. Because we know that some of your Groups and classes will be working from very different spaces – hopefully spaces that look and feel a lot more like home – we will be changing our voting timeline to give you all more time to get comfortable with your new normal.

Voting now ends on Sunday, May 31st, and the Winners will be announced on Monday, June 15th!

As Red Cedar is the ultimate battle of the books, your votes determine who the winners are! So choose wisely!

Happy Reading everyone!