Enter the Dunces Rock Songwriting Contest!

Start your New Year off on the right note by entering the Dunces Rock songwriting contest!

From January 1 to 31, 2016, write a song in honour of your teacher or principal and you could win your very own signed copy of Dunces Rock.

Here’s what you have to do:

First, watch the video of the Ballad of Principal Hale.

Next, download the lyrics to the Ballad of Principal Hale.

Now comes the creative part: Use the Ballad of Principal Hale as your inspiration to write a song about your own teacher or principal.

Email the song lyrics to Kate Jaimet at kjaimet@sympatico.ca, with the words “song contest” in the subject line.

Or, take a video of yourself and/or your friends singing the song you wrote, post it online and send her the link. Don’t forget to put the words “song contest” in the subject line.

Songs will be judged on the basis of originality, funniness, rhythm and rhyme. Nasty or mean songs will be immediately disqualified and fed to Boris, the Neighbourhood Dog of Slobbering Terror.

The winner will be announced on February 14, 2016. ‘Cause nothing says “Be my Valentine” like an autographed book!

Good luck!

Welcome to the Red Cedar Blog

Hello, and welcome to the Red Cedar Blog! We’ve got a lot of exciting Red Cedar content planned for this space in the months leading up to the awards, so check back often to keep up to date with all things Red Cedar.

Until then, have you checked out our social media accounts? You can find us on Twitter and Instagram, where we regularly post links to interesting articles, cool features, and interviews with your favourite Red Cedar nominees, as well as photos, quotes, and other nifty things. It’s a great way to learn more about the awards and this year’s nominees.

We’re thrilled to be here on the Red Cedar blog, and we can’t wait to connect with you.

Until next time,

The Red Cedar Award Social Media Team